Why Is My Internet Working Slow?

Frustrating, isn’t it? You’re trying to get your work done, but all you hear is the sound of buffering and the never-ending spinning wheel and you’re asking “Why is my internet working slow?”

Slow internet speeds can be really annoying.

Whether it’s streaming movies, downloading music or just scrolling through social media, we rely on our internet to keep us connected. But having your internet connection slow down is more than a mild inconvenience—it can impact how we get our work done and stay in touch with family and friends. So what are the causes of slow internet speeds?

Modem Issues

The first step in modem troubleshooting is to check your modem configuration. Check that all the settings are correctly configured and that no changes have been made. If any changes have been made, reset the modem to its original settings.

If the issue persists, try resetting the connection by unplugging it from the wall for a few minutes and then plugging it back in again. This will ensure that the modem has reconnected properly with your network and is functioning correctly.

If none of these steps have worked to fix your slow internet, it may be time to look into replacing your old modem with a new one. Technology evolves quickly, so modems can age fast. Check with your ISP if you think your modem may be the issue.

Router Problems

Router problems are one of the most common causes for slow internet issues. Make sure your router is configured correctly and placed in an optimal location. If you’re having trouble with your connection, resetting the router can often help resolve any issues. Like the modem, simply unplug for a minute, then plug back in.

You also want to make sure the router firewall settings are up-to-date to protect your network from malicious intrusions. If none of these solutions seem to be working, then it may be time to consider upgrading your router or replacing it altogether. 

Interference From Other Devices

Your slow internet connection can be slow for many reasons, one of which is interference from other devices. Wireless signals, such as those used in Wi-Fi, are easily intercepted by neighbouring devices and result in degraded performance. 

Electronic signals created by other devices on your network can also cause slow speeds. For instance, there may be several phones connected to your network, plus security cameras, printers, etc.

To reduce interference and improve your internet speed, it’s important to limit the number of connected devices in your home or office. Only use necessary wireless connections and check for any unauthorized devices that are connected to your network. 

Try relocating routers and other electronic equipment away from sources of interference like microwaves or baby monitors. By reducing the amount of wireless-interference from neighbouring devices, you can ensure that your internet works more efficiently with less delays in data transmission.

Malware Or Viruses

Malware and viruses are a common culprit behind poor internet performance. Or to be more exact, while these do not directly affect your wireless internet speeds, they can slow down your computer, which will feel like your internet has slowed to a crawl.

Malware is malicious software that can be installed on your computer without your knowledge or consent. Viruses are similar, but they typically require user interaction to spread from device to device.

Security and protection should be top priorities when it comes to using the internet. Have some kind of anti-malware and antivirus program installed on your device, and regularly scan your computer for potential threats. 

Be sure to run a scan as soon as possible to identify any potential problems with malicious software and take appropriate action if necessary.

Checking For Service Outages

If doing all of the above fails, contact your ISP to see if there is a known service outage in your area. These are not uncommon. Your ISP should be able to estimate how long service will be down.

You can also check your ISP’s social media pages to see if they’ve posted a notice of an outage. Make sure you subscribe or follow them ahead of time.

Why Is My Internet Working Slow: Conclusion

We’ve gone over some of the possible reasons why your internet connection is running slow, and given you some useful tips to solve the issue yourself in case you’re a natural-born problem solver. The truth is, the simplest and fastest way to see why your internet is working slow is to simply call your ISP and ask.

John de Graauw, who is the Co-Founder and CEO of Beaver River Broadband says “Customers should always get the internet speeds they are paying for.” He also cautions that “some providers advertise ‘up-to’ speeds such as ‘up to 50 Mbps’, which means they don’t always have to deliver 50 Mbps. That’s not right – if you’re paying for 50, you should get 50. And if you’re not, it’s our job to figure out why and fix it.”

Right now, when you sign up for Beaver River Broadband Internet Services, you will get the next fastest wireless internet package FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE for 3 months! To take advantage of this offer, visit beaverriver.ca or call 1-306-450-3240.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There A Way To Increase My Internet Speed Without Upgrading My Internet Package?

Speed boosters are becoming increasingly popular. A booster is a device that enhances the speed and strength of your wireless router signal, resulting in a better internet connection. These boosters are not only useful for home internet connections, but also for improving the signal strength in various public places such as hotels, cafes, airports, and offices. 

By increasing the signal strength, the booster enables a stronger and more reliable connection, leading to a faster internet speed and better overall performance.

Is There A Way To Secure My Wi-Fi Network?

First, use a strong password to protect your router settings. You may also want to consider using two-factor authentication on your router settings for added security.

Most routers come with basic firewall protection pre-installed, but it’s important that you keep this feature up-to-date to ensure maximum security. If your router doesn’t have basic firewall protection, you can purchase a third-party firewall solution to protect your network.

Finally, regularly check that no unauthorized devices are connected to your network. This includes checking the list of connected devices in your router settings as well as keeping an eye out for any strange activity in the logs or monitoring tools available on the router admin page.

Are There Ways To Reduce Interference From Other Devices?

First, make sure all of your wireless devices are using the latest firmware and software updates available for them. You should also move any cordless phones, baby monitors and microwaves away from your router or modem. 

Finally, if you have multiple wireless networks in your area try changing your channel settings on the router so that it isn’t competing with another network for bandwidth.